Tuesday, June 16, 2009

“People First”

Ethics play a large role in all interactions and societal matters today. People are constantly striving to make sure they act in accordance with how they “should”, and if they’re not, they are usually still cognizant of what the norm is and how they are willingly disobeying it.

For this reason, it comes to some surprise that, up until recently, tons of bills were easily passed by NC State Legislature that used derogatory terms such as “dumb” and “crippled.” Senator Katie G. Dorsett recognized the inherent offense behind using these terms, and pushed for Senate Bill 208, entitled “People First.” The bill requires that the Legislative Services Office “incorporate into its drafting training of legislative drafters the preference to avoid language that implies a person as a whole is disabled, equates a person with his or her condition, or is regarded as derogatory or demeaning.”

Even though this is something that should have been done a long time ago, the victims of these formerly used harsh terms will probably appreciate Senator Dorsett’s identification and handle of the issue.

If you are thankful for the Senator's actions, please let her know at Katie.Dorsett@ncleg.net.
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