Last Friday, July 6, South Carolina
Governor Nikki Haley publicly released her 81 line-item vetoes for the S.C. budget. The down
economy combined with a presidential election has already made for a
contentious Congressional session, yet the Senate and House managed to come to
terms and create a budget that received praise from both sides of the aisle as
balanced and well constructed. The bill was sent off for Hayley's approval June
29. Unlike her predecessor, former Governor Mark Sanford, Haley opted not to block the entire
budget. however, the 81 items she did overturn have only added to the
The office of House Speaker Bobby
Harrell stated that although the General Assembly
originally intended to reconvene in September to discuss any vetoes, "the
ambiguity created by some of the governor’s vetoes, like whether teacher
salaries will be funded and whether or not some agencies will still have the
authority to continue operating, needs to be addressed sooner rather than
later." In light of Hayley's vetoes, Representatives will be back in
Columbia July 17 for a special session of the House to asses the situation.
South Carolina Senators are expected to follow suit sometime shortly after.
Though some health services funds
were vetoed, overall health and disability services faired well, with
maintenance of previous funding levels. A little over thirty-six million
dollars were allotted to offset a cut from the federal government relating to
education funding for children with disabilities under the Disabilities
Education Act. Further, state funding for the Medicaid program will provide
healthcare for an additional seventy thousand children that do not currently
have access to services. Also not to be left out, five hundred slots will be
added to assist elderly residents through the community long term care waiver
For more
information on the budget, click here or visit the South Carolina Legislative page on Bill H.4813. You can also follow this link to read Governor Haley's Veto Message and
evaluate Hayley's reasoning for yourself. Be sure to check back with us as we
continue to update the blog on this and other matters.