Wednesday, March 16, 2011

National MS Society License Plate Update

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What better way to raise awareness about multiple sclerosis and encourage others to join the movement toward a world free of MS, than applying for a brand new MS license plate?! If you haven’t seen them yet, the new MS license plate is now available through the DMV. Check out a photo of a new plate that has already hit the streets below.

Thank you to the first 300 applicants who have made it possible for us to get this far in the process! If you have yet to apply for the NC National MS Society license plate, you can still download an application here and take into the DMV until the website is updated. For those who have already begun to receive their new plates, please remember to turn your old plate into any DMV site or mail them to 3148 Mail Service Center, Raleigh N.C. 27699 and please be sure to include a request for a receipt and your address.

Personalized license plates are making it to the public slow so be among the first to send in a photo of your personalized MS license plate. We would love to see photos! Please send photos to Abby Carter Emanuelson .


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