Thursday, May 16, 2013

Help the Carolina Chapters With Profiles of Young Adults With MS for World MS Advocacy Day

Bookmark and ShareAgain this year, the Carolina Chapters will hold our MS Advocacy and Awareness Days at the North Carolina General Assembly and South Carolina State House in conjunction with World MS Day on May 29. The focus of the World MS Day campaign is “Young People and MS.”

Taking a day to spend at the legislature may not fit into your schedule, so instead we would like to understand how MS affects you and/or other young adults. Please answer the following questions to help the Carolina Chapters share your story. Feel free to answer the questions below in the comment boxes, or email them to

  • Were you or a family member diagnosed with MS as a young person (between the ages of 18-40?) If so, please explain how this impacted your daily life.
  • The National Multiple Sclerosis Society supports many advocacy initiatives such as:  access to health insurance without discrimination, national funding for MS research and accessibility.   When you or your family member were between the ages of 18-40, did any of the these policy initiatives or another cause you to experience the effects of MS differently.
  • Throughout the World MS Day campaign, people supporting the motto will be asked your motto.  What is your motto that helps you overcome obstacles and deal with the adversity posed by MS?
For more information about World MS Day, visit

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