Monday, November 1, 2010

TOMORROW is Election Day!

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Change happens through MS activism which a key part of is informing public officials about the challenges of MS. Your vote is one simple way to be an MS Activist.

Voting helps gain political power and enhance the influence of important constituencies. It builds stronger and healthier communities and creates individuals who are more likely to volunteer, advocate, and be active in civic life of their communities. Even more important, voting increases the likelihood that public policies will reflect and represent the needs of our local community. 

DON’T FORGET TO VOTE ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2ND. Polls are open from 6:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Early registration and voting ended October 30th, but you still have one more day to make your vote count! Nearly 1 million  have already cast ballots their ballot in North Carolina. 

REMIND your friends, neighbors, and co-workers and encourage them to be informed about the issues and vote! We must work together to break down barriers to care, improve access to quality health services, and make MS therapies more affordable. We must pursue funding for more MS research and fight for disability rights. MS activists help turn those issues into state and national priorities. 

Things to do before you vote!

  • Find your polling place and check your registration HERE!

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