Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Women of the Affordable Care Act

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Last Thursday, in recognition of March as Women’s History Month and the one year anniversary of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the Society stood in support of the new federal health care law during a press conference sponsored by Representative Verla Insko.

In addition to saving more than 100,000 North Carolinians $250 each by closing the drug donut hold in Medicare coverage and prohibits caps on lifetime benefits, the conference highlighted the promise of the new federal law for women and how women are being helped right now by the Affordable Care Act.

The Affordable Care Act eliminates co pays for mammograms and preventative care for children. The federal law also bans gender rating to prevent insurers from charging small businesses with a predominately female workforce more for health coverage.

Patricia Galu, a small business entrepreneur, shared the challenges she and her daughter face in running a small business and affording health care for their employees. She spoke about the benefits of how the creation of health exchange/market place in North Carolina, properly administered, could benefit small businesses.
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